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We are called to promote reverence
and respect for all creation.
It is our way of participating in
God's boundless creativity.

Everything lives only by sharing its life. When humans live this way, Jesus names it the reign of God. Elaine Prevallet, SL in In The Service of Life: Widening and Deepening Religious Commitment writes that "within the Christian community, there are women and men who commit themselves, through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, to the service of Life, the Life that Jesus promised in abundance to his disciples. Gathered into a community whose way of living takes its motivation from the Gospel, they express their energies in ways that are life-enhancing for the whole earth community."

For Anne de Xainctonge, non-cloister meant a spirit of openness. In our day, non-cloister is the ever-present call to move beyond, to break down walls of exclusion and alien­ation through our persistent work for justice and peace. We are called to promote reverence and respect for all creation. It is our way of participating in God's boundless creativity. Non-cloister is our stance toward life. Nihill humanum alienum est.

Gazing at Earth sailing through space, astronauts realized
the power of its being "home" for all dwelling there...
one planet, one single community without borders.

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