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At the 2022 General Congregation meeting, we affirmed the following:

Rooted in the tradition of Anne de Xainctonge and firmly anchored in today’s world, we turn towards the future and renew our commitment to live out these orientations:


A gift to be shared

The charism of Anne de Xainctonge is a gift for our time. Together we commit to live our charism more deeply and pass it on to more people in the service of mission. We will actively and creatively find the means to make this gift more accessible to others.


Bridges to be built

Called to share in the relational life of the Holy Trinity in a world that builds walls, we will collaborate with others to build bridges between people and groups suffering from any kind of exclusion.


Our common home to be treasured

As part of creation, we are challenged to develop a greater awareness of environmental concerns. By educating ourselves and collaborating with others, our choices will contribute to a more just world for all creation.

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